- [BEO'R2001]
- [FE2000]
- [GRHA1995]
- [KOME1996]
- [O'ROP1992]
- [PO1996]
- [SI1994]
- [SI1994-1]
- [VE1990]
- [VE1994]
- [VE1996]
- [VE1999]
- Alan Biermann
- Alpbach
- CD/DVD-SS2003
- about
- acg
- acm
- actionscript
- adobe
- aix
- alan cox
- alephs
- amazon
- andreas schett
- aol
- apache
- apple
- apple script studio
- applescript
- arc
- arpanet
- arr
- ars electronica
- arte
- arthur zelger
- as we may think
- asp
- asp,net
- asp,net basic example
- atest
- avl-trees
- barbara
- betty
- bill gates
- billa
- blame icq
- blendobox
- blogger
- brandl
- chello
- chl
- chris
- cinnamon
- circular_motions
- citydesk
- claudia
- cms
- collettiva
- color_circles
- combine_some_motions
- concentric_colors
- conrad sohm
- contribute
- crossroads
- cupertino
- daenemark
- dave winer
- david sless
- dbn
- ddj
- debian
- deutschland
- director
- donnerstag
- dornbirn
- douglas coupland
- driving a microphone into my eyeball
- eigene inbox
- encoding
- encoding-talk
- england
- eniac
- enlish
- enrico
- eprog
- eremitage
- euroblog
- euroranch
- falter
- favoriten
- fh-vorarlberg
- flash
- flex
- flusser
- fm4
- fritz
- ftp
- futurezone
- fuzo
- g3
- g4
- gScenelist
- ginger
- glue
- gluehwein
- gnu
- gnutella
- gp
- graz
- hand
- haruki murakami
- haus der musik
- heise
- heise,de
- helma
- henso
- hop
- html
- human interface guidelines
- hyperprism
- i386
- ibm
- icab
- ich packe einen koffer
- ie5 mac
- iis
- imagemagick
- imap
- impressum
- index-alphabetical
- index-menu
- infowerk
- innsbruck
- intel
- interMedia
- italien government
- iw
- jabber
- jaguar
- java
- jet2web
- jetzt
- joel spolsky
- just for fun
- kodak
- kolding-picts
- korg kaos pad
- koza
- kunststuecke
- kurt
- langreiter
- lcom
- lego
- licklider
- lingo
- lingo-xml-rpc
- lingoAPI
- links
- linus
- linus torvalds
- linux
- lisp
- m�nchen
- mac os 9
- mac os x
- macintosh
- macromedia
- macromedia director
- macslash
- maeda
- mak
- mak-pressestimmen
- makotter
- manchester
- marco
- matrix
- mauchly
- mauri
- me
- mediensalat
- metal
- microsoft
- midi
- mit
- most-popular
- mozilla
- multiuser server
- museum am judenplatz
- münchen
- nat
- ncp
- nebula multiuser server
- netdyslexia
- neurath
- neville brody
- new yorker
- nf
- nick hornby
- nofro
- nofrontierans
- nofrontiere
- nomen est omen
- novum
- nytimes
- nzz
- o'reilly
- oe1
- oebb
- oesterreich
- one_click
- orf
- orf on
- p3k
- paralelle_kette
- parterre
- partykeller
- paul rand
- paulinum
- pc
- pd
- philipp
- photos fin den 2000
- piefke3000
- playmobil
- pos
- postscript
- potato
- powerbook
- ppc
- radio
- radio userland
- random thoughts on creativity
- rdc
- readers
- rebol
- rebol-info
- rebuild backlinks
- red hat
- reinhard gassner
- rhapsody
- rhino
- rhiz
- rinner,st
- robert trappl
- rom in (falsch)farben
- roman
- rs232
- safari
- salon helga
- samba
- schockwellenreiter
- schokwellenreiter
- schwaz
- scp
- scripting,com
- scsh
- segway
- serielle_kette
- sherry turkle
- shockwave
- shop
- sicp
- sid
- siemens
- siemens audiology
- siemens audiology
- sims
- slashcode
- slashdot
- snipInfo
- snipInfoEnd
- soap
- sony
- sore intelligence
- south dakota
- ssh
- standard
- start
- stefan rinner
- stefans
- steve jobs
- steve wozniak
- sun
- suse
- sw3d
- synerge
- tal
- tales
- tcp/ip
- ted nelson
- telepolis
- testbox
- the c programming language
- tiny-raetsel
- tirol
- title
- tobbe
- tobi
- tu
- type-properties-talk
- type-properties-talk-2
- tyrolit
- ulf
- ullala
- uml
- unix
- unknown
- unstable
- usa
- user mode linux
- userfriendly
- vannevar bush
- vaporware
- ventrella
- viktor herzner
- vomp
- vorarlberg
- walkabouts pressetext
- wanted-snips
- washington post
- web start
- webdav
- who has seen the marmelade
- wien
- win2k
- windows
- wired
- wirtschaftskammer
- woanders
- woody
- work-photo
- woz
- wuerstel
- www
- xanadu
- xenix
- xml
- xml-rpc
- xul
- zaha hadid
- zeit
- zope
- zowie
- zpt
- zu frueh kommen,,,