
the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner


welcome back on rinner.st/diploma/ - this site offers information regarding my diploma-thesis. The diploma’s topic was code as design element and talks about the things which distinguishes multimedia from print or television - interactivity.

This site got used as some kind of notebook and repository during the development of the diploma - most of the stuff got lost - at the moment you’ll find only the final results - the thesis and !scribble, the practical outcome. If I ever start to add additional ideas or features you are going to find these here as well.

Now, there are (even) some screenshot of scribble available: !scribble-screenshots

Finally I’d like to thank my two tutors - Karl-Heinz Weidmann of Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (http://www2.staff.fh-vorarlberg.ac.at/~kw/) and Maurizio Poletto from collettiva design (http://www.collettiva.com/).

If you’d like to contact me, don’t hesitate and mail to: ristATmacDOTcom