
the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner

Sunday, Jul 25, 2004

Snowball is a small string processing language designed for creating stemming algorithms for use in Information Retrieval. http://snowball.tartarus.… (via http://lambda-the-ultimat…)
… the presenter was doing his pitch in a polished way and at one point he said he wanted to show us a "really cool" feature and he looked up into the audience and said "Show of hands...How many of you use Internet Explorer?". Probably 99 times out of 100 when he asks that question all the hands go up, right? Well first there was a pause and then a giggle and then a whoop of laughter as the audience looked around and realized that NO ONE had raised a hand. http://blogs.sun.com/roll…
There will be volume 4-a, volume 4-b, and volume 4-c. Volume 4 in general is combinatorial algorithms. Volume 4-a is about finding all possibilities: … 4-b is going to be about graph and network algorithms, and 4-c is about combinatorial optimization. So 4-a is "find all arrangements," 4-b is "find arrangements that have to do with graphs and networks," and 4-c is "find the best arrangement." the art of compute programming, volume 4 http://home.hccnet.nl/h.v…
und wenn knuth grad sich grad nit z.b. mit dem sortieren beschäftigt, den computer satz revolutioniert, die orgel spielt oder die bibel auslegt is ihm offenbar immer no fad im schädel: During our summer vacation last year, my wife and I amused ourselves by taking leisurely drives in Ohio and photographing every diamond-shaped highway sign that we saw along the roadsides. (Well, not every sign; only the distinct ones.) For provenance, I also stood at the base of each sign and measured its GPS coordinates. http://www-cs-faculty.sta…
neue (vielleicht nur temporäre) obsession: http://www.abebooks.com/ - antiquariate weltweit - die bücher (teilweise) billig, der versand (meist aus den usa) unerhört teuer - ausser man kauft dann wie ich gleich 3 bücher bei einem reseller und kriegt dann um 51 euro (inkl. shipping) bücher, die bei amazon knapp 80 gekostet hätten