- macromedias versuch des corporate blogging (http://www.wired.com/news…) is im falle von director nit wirklich faszinierend - http://btartar.blogspot.c… - bietet aber zumindest erfreuliches - Shockwave Player is available for Mac OS X and many of you have asked when (and whether) Director authoring will be made available for Mac OS X. The answer is YES, we're working on a port of Director to Mac OS X. As you know, Director is a very powerful application with many years of coding poured into it. We're working as fast as we can to port this code to OS X. We can't discuss dates at this time, but again, stay tuned for more information.
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- beruhigend dass auch bei apple director kenntnisse nützlich sein können - https://jobs.apple.com/cg…
- auch megnut schreibt kolumnen für o'reilly - http://www.oreillynet.com…
- "This article describes a new system for networking dictionaries and translation services on the Web. Think of this as GNUtella for language services. While the system described in this article may appear to be a huge undertaking, it will be built from many relatively simple components that talk to each other via a common client/server interface based on SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)." - http://www.oreillynet.com… - klingt vor allem im zusammenhang mit wiki's interessant
- "Apple took care of this problem with its Jaguar Developer Tools, a checkbox ("create textured app") is all that is needed in this upcoming version to compile and distribute textured apps. " - http://www.spymac.com/for…