the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner
Monday, May 6, 2002
- "Quartz Extreme: Takes the compositing engine in Quartz, and accelerates it in graphics cards. Combines 2D, 3D and video in one hardware pipeline via OpenGL. "Everything on the screen is being drawn in hardware by OpenGL." Requires AGP 2x and 32MB of video RAM." - das könnt doch etwas performance bringen - http://maccentral.macworl…
- wow - developer tools downgeloadet, apple script studio ausprobiert und gleich mal die examples ausprobiert - WOW - mit relativ wenig aufwand, in amüsantem syntax durchaus brauchbares an executables produzieren
- This document expresses the Internet Society's ideology that the Internet really is for everyone. However, it will only be such if we make it so. - rfc:3271