the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner
Saturday, Feb 23, 2002
- es gibt einen ietf draft jabber betreffend -… - "Jabber is a set of open, XML-based protocols for which there exist multiple implementations. These implementations have been used mainly to provide instant messaging and presence services that are currently deployed on thousands of domains worldwide and are accessed by millions of IM users daily. Because a standard description of the Jabber protocols is needed to describe this new traffic growing over the Internet, the current document defines the Jabber protocols as they exist today. In addition, this document describes the known deficiencies of the Jabber protocols; however, this document does not address those deficiencies, since they are being addressed through a variety of standards efforts." - und der webclient is auch witzig (und funktioniert) -… - nur dessen browseranforderungen sind eher abstrus (am mac nur mit netscape 4.7)
- gar nit lustig wenn mein powerbook einfach eine stunde lang behauptet keinen dns-lookup zu schaffen - die dns server aber alle up/running sind und ich sonst auch recht zuegig/verlaesslich mit dem internetz verbunden bin - gibts am mac os 9 irgendenein dns-cache der corrupted sein kann?