- http://vorarlberg.orf.at/…
- spannend - der neue nebula multiuser server von tabuleiro offeriert nun auch server-sided scripting und DB-anbindungen - witzig - und vor allem nicht nur auf mac/win 32 lauffaehig wie das original von macromedia - http://xtras.tabuleiro.co…
- "There's a book called How to Build a Better Beowulf that's 230 pages long and tells you how to set up clusters with linux," Dauger said. "We have a one-page manual (http://daugerresearch.com…) that shows you how to do it on PowerMacs. We've had high school students do it. We've had junior high school students do it. We even had a sixth grader in Hawaii do it." - http://www.wired.com/news… - via slashdot