- na WUNDERBAR - http://www.langreiter.com… is finally/officially online
- und der schockwellenreiter hat recht - rinner.st auf icab is durchaus unterhaltsam - waas hat das ding nur fuer einen abstruse CSS implementation?
- In an elevator somebody asked me why the linux Journal logo on my shirt didn't have a penguin. I turned the question around and asked why OS X didn't have a mascot. "OS X needs an animal," I said.
"How about an ox?" I suggested.
"Ooo," one guy said. "Apple would never go for that."
"Why should that matter?"
"It's BSD. Why not a red devil?"
"Because it's not BSD. Darwin is only 'based' on BSD."
"Then how about a red devil with a big beard, like Charles Darwin?"
"Or maddog."
"I think you should go back to the ox." -http://www.linuxjournal.c…
- statement von macromedia zum flash-virus - http://www.startmovie.net…
- in einem anfall von wahn mich auf meine buchhaltung gestuerzt und nun versuch ich grad zu erahnen wie hoch meine steuernachzahlung wird - mmmm
- "The great thing about (apache) mod_rewrite is it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail. The downside to mod_rewrite is that it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail.'' - http://httpd.apache.org/d… - dank etwas stoebern in vanilla-pudding funktionierts schon auf meinem lokalem rinner.st und bald auch hier - http://www.rinner.st/spac… (hoffentlich)