the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner
Thursday, Dec 27, 2001
- "Welcome to the first issue of the first academic, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to computer game studies. This is a noteworthy occasion, and perhaps the most remarkable aspect is that such a journal has not been started before. As we know, there have been computer games for almost as long as there have been computers: SpaceWar, arguably the first modern game, turns forty this year, and commercially the genre has existed for three decades. So why not something like this before? " - http://www.gamestudies.or…
- die Außerlomographische Opposition ein … - mit der kaiserin -…
- "At the center of Frontier is a C-like language called UserTalk. I had originally wanted to call the language Juicy, because it is C-like, and because both Doug Baron, and I are Jewish. But decorum prevailed and we went with the more predictable (and boring!) UserTalk name." - http://davenet.userland.c…