"Geburtsort von Maus, Notebook und Ethernet | Alan Kay und seine "learning research group" | Grafisches Interface, "NoteTaker" oder objektorientiertes Programmieren | Adele Goldberg, Smalltalk-"Evangelist", im Interview | Heute um 22.30 Uhr in matrix"
"The Shared Info Server (SIS) is a service that provides a simple object database model designed to contain dynamic, ephemeral information. The server informs interested clients of changes to database values for which they previously registered. SIS provides a unique platform for prototyping awareness and other groupware applications on the macintosh by providing easy-to-use push technology for both applescript and java clients." - ftp://ftp.apple.com/research/sis/, http://www.acm.org/sigs/s…
- AAAA! HABEN WOLLEN! http://www.oreilly.de/cat… - ein artikel des autors - http://linux.oreillynet.c… - aber no nit offiziell erschienen
- interessant und hoffentlich hilfreich fuer das setup diverser kiosk-systeme "Optimizing windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia" (http://www.oreilly.de/cat…) - (via schockwellenreiter)
- of davon gehoert - abe rnie wirklich gesehen - bob - "the family-oriented interface for windows" - und noch nie davon gehoert " Bob was a tiny, dynamic objected-oriented language well ahead of its time" - aber zumindest von Nuon hab i schon gehoert "Bob is NUON's scripting language, and was used to script the UI" - http://www.byte.com/docum…
- wagemut in extremem maße - mein i386 wechselt heut von potato zu woody und mein ppc bootet schon in den debian installer (aber das hd partitionieren geht no gar nit) - deshalb http://www.debianhelp.org…
- "lisp and AI related humor" - http://www.lisp.org/humor…
- "The AgentSheets environment is an agent-based Web authoring tool enabling a wide range of end users, ranging from children to professionals, to create their own SimCityTM-like interactive simulations, domain-oriented visual programming languages, knowbots, cellular automata, and games. At the the blink of an eye these simulations can be compiled by the Ristretto compiler directly into Java applets that can be embedded into web pages." - http://www-l3d.cs.colorad… (wird auch in http://www.rinner.st/dipl… beschrieben)
- "SK8 is a mature authoring environment from Apple, that runs in MCL. " - http://www.alu.org/table/… - ftp://ftp.apple.com/research/sk8/ - also sk8 is schon nett, aber der zusammenhang mit lisp war mir bisher nit klar
- der apple ftp bietet interessantes:
"The Shared Info Server (SIS) is a service that provides a simple object database model designed to contain dynamic, ephemeral information. The server informs interested clients of changes to database values for which they previously registered. SIS provides a unique platform for prototyping awareness and other groupware applications on the macintosh by providing easy-to-use push technology for both applescript and java clients." - ftp://ftp.apple.com/research/sis/, http://www.acm.org/sigs/s…
- joel spolsky versucht nicht wirklich ueberzeugend zu erklaeren warum citydesk das silver bullet im content management is und warum es schlau is auf win-apps und datenbanken zu setzen (http://joelonsoftware.com…) - die diskussion dazu is durchaus interessant (http://discuss.fogcreek.c…) und fuehrt zu bereits bestehenden citydesk-aehnlichen apps - http://kylecordes.com/kcm…