- http://www.apple.com/appl… - da is man dann doch ploetrzlich gut gelaunt und euphorisch
- und nun wend ich mich wieder programmtechnischen himmelfahrtskommandos zu
- "Now, when these guys talk about Lisp the first words out of their mouths are something to the effect that lambda-calculus is a universal model of computation, that is, any computation that can be expressed in a Turing machine can also be expressed in the lambda calculus. Lisp is a direct implementation of lambda calculus.
If youre like me, that last paragraph has a lot of eye glaze over factor. Add to that almost a fetish for parenthesis, and you begin to understand why Lisp might not become the everyman-computing environment that Lisp machines capabilities would at first suggest." - irgendwie fasziniert mich lisp immer mehr - http://people.we.mediaone…
- http://www.philbrown.bc.c…
- "Despite what many people may think, the group at the MacBU are not Windows users forced to grudgingly write code for the Mac. In fact, the programmers at the unit don't write any Windows code at all."
- was wurde aus dem klassiker des instant-messaging/video-conferencing cuseeme? - sie leben noch - "First Virtual Communications, recently merged with CUseeMe Networks, is a world leader in providing rich media communications solutions, enabling interactive voice, video and data collaboration over IP-based networks. First Virtual provides cost-effective, integrated end-to-end solutions for large-scale deployments to enterprise desktops, as well as enabling best of breed seamless video collaboration with ISDN, DSL, and ATM networks." - http://www.cuseeme.com