
the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner

Thursday, Jan 18, 2001

auf hopper-x macht man sich gedanken ueber die zukunft von director:
"> Take heart Zac, if director dies, I'll send you an actionscript book. I
> don't expect to have to make good on that promise soon.
I'll be making coffee at Starbucks before I do flash work. Until; someone actually makes flash into a proper development tool its more painful to use
than the end product is worth.
>I'll be making coffee at Starbucks before I do flash work. Until; someone
>actually makes flash into a proper development tool its more painful to use
>than the end product is worth.
Now, Zac, it isn't all that bad. Plus -- at least until the economy goes wholly into the tank -- there are people practically throwing money at flash developers.
>>Director people don't get no respect. Well, at least we get more than
>>the fontographer people.
> >fontographer person. I don't think there are multiple fontographer users.
There used to be a thriving colony of graphic artists who did font design, and many of them used fontographer.
I believe the colony was on Molokai."
on polar_to_cart r, a
return(point(r x cos(a), r x sin(a)))
on cart_to_polar xy_point
return [sqrt(power(xy_point.x, 2) + power(xy_point.y, 2)), atan(xy_point.y/xy_point.x)]