gestern gab es buffet im rathaus (essen gut, reden versaeumt, stimmung naja)
heute eroeffnung des museums am judenplatz und enthuellung des shoa-denkmals (…) - samt und mords-gedraenge…
An error occurred while attempting to establish a connection to the service.
The most likely cause of this problem is that the service is not currently running. You can use the 'Services' Control Panel to verify that the service is running and to restart it if necessary.
Windows NT error number 2 occurred."
occured at…
heute eroeffnung des museums am judenplatz und enthuellung des shoa-denkmals (…) - samt und mords-gedraenge…
- eine witere folge aus unserer serie "vielsagende fehlermeldungen"
An error occurred while attempting to establish a connection to the service.
The most likely cause of this problem is that the service is not currently running. You can use the 'Services' Control Panel to verify that the service is running and to restart it if necessary.
Windows NT error number 2 occurred."
occured at…
- so sah das mal aus…