the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner
Sunday, Jun 4, 2000
- "Unterbrechen Sie die Tanzmusik, erklären Sie alle Gäste zu Dot.coms, rufen Sie die com.unistische Revolution aus. Verteilen Sie T-Online-Mützen." So wird jede Party ein Gewinn! - danke hal! (…)
- gruende warum gnutella interessant is:
"If, say, New York was hit by Dr. Evil, GnutellaNet probably wouldn't even notice. So you lose your "Gnutella friends" in New York. Big deal. It's unlikely that New York is the only place where people share the recipe for strawberry-rhubarb pie "
"So you get your answer, and you don't have to admit to anyone that you're a pantywaist."
"Gnutella can withstand a band of hungry lawyers. How many realtime search technologies can claim that? Not Napster, that's for sure."
"It's reliable, it's sharing terabytes of data, and it is absolutely unstoppable."
- "A + B + C = Success if, A = Hard Work, B = Hard Play, C = Keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
- was neues - dem e folgt ein m und ein b ->
- M-Commerce (Mobile Commerce), B- Commerce (Broadband Commerce)
- http://sofa.digitalien.or… DANKE, ganz lieb und schoen!